Wednesday, September 19, 2012

isino aya's Weekend of Dreams

Weekend of Dreams by isino aya (Yume Mita Shuumatsu)
It started out as a way to prepare for a future lover. Too long denied a flesh and blood companion, his substitute—a teddy bear—is now his love object. What happens when a persistent, excessively cheerful neighbor consumes his serious, carefully ordered life? An explosion of hurtful, panicked words.

Stepping back into his quiet life, he can’t avoid what his insufferable neighbor left behind: cracks that expose his festering loneliness. Only one person can fill those cracks, but he’s disappeared.

WEEKEND OF DREAMS: With her brutally honest, trembling line art, isino aya creates a companion collection to Sink into You. Love and acceptance, joy and sorrow, desire and disgust: they move beyond simple shapes in black and white.

Translated by Barbara J. Vincent
Edited by Kimberly Lammens
Lettered by Alexandra Gunawan

Available for all platforms at eManga.
Also available from NookKindle, and Wowio.

Preview: Click images to make larger.

Yume Mita Shuumatsu © isino aya 2009. All rights reserved. Original Japanese edition published in 2009 by Akaneshinsha.